Is Quinton Reviews Trans?

Who is Quinton Reviews?

Who is it? Quinton Kyle Hoover is an American YouTuber who produces video essays and is best known for his analysis on popular culture and the way it is consumed by the public. His videos are highly engaging and often funny and informative, making it easy for viewers to stay hooked. Quinton was born on October 9, 1992, graduated from the University of Southern California with a degree in Radio Broadcasting and Film Production, and is sponsored by EON Sports Nutrition. Despite the rumors about the controversial Youtuber star being trans, he has implied that he is bisexual but not trans.

What made Quinton Reviews famous?

What made him famous? Quinton Kyle Hoover is an American YouTuber who produces videos analyzing popular culture and its effects on society. Since 2015, he has been a YouTube Partner and has over three million subscribers. His videos typically run 10-15 minutes and are highly engaging and informative. He is best known for interviewing some of the biggest names in pop culture, such as Justin Bieber, Drake, and Taylor Swift. Additionally, Quinton is highly acclaimed for his short films, including “The Thing” which he wrote, directed, and produced. Controversy and intrigue often follow him, as he has implied he is bisexual but not trans, while rumors circulate that he may be trans. Nevertheless, Quinton has become a well-known personality due to his films, interviews, and personal style.

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Is Quinton Reviews trans?

Is Quinton Reviews trans? No, he is not. Although rumors have been circulating about the Youtuber star Quinton Kyle Hoover being trans, he has implied that he is bisexual but not trans. Hoover’s personal life has been a topic of great speculation and debate in the online community ever since he started talking about his surgery to change the sound of his voice to be more feminine. Despite the rumors and speculation, Quinton has never confirmed his trans status and has openly stated he is bisexual, not trans.

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